
The lab of Associate Prof. Jeroen J. A. van Boxtel focuses on three main questions: (1) Interaction between attention and consciousness, (2) the influence of individual traits on biological motion perception, (3) individual differences in automatic (pre-attentive) processing.

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of an action discrimination task (walking vs running). The joints are colour/size coded to show the loadings of the first component of the PCA analysis. Larger size means larger loadings, red is positive, blue is negative. The left figure are the data for an upright figure seen from the side, the middle figure are the data for an inverted figure from the side, and right figure are the data for an upright and rotating figure. Data from van Boxtel JJA & Lu H, Journal of Vision 15(20):2015.

Lab News

  • Dec 2017. Victoria has been accepted into the clinical PhD program at ANU in Canberra. Congratulations.
  • Nov 2017. Cassandra has been accepted into Monash's PhD (Clinical Psychology) program. Congratulations to Cass!
  • Oct 2017. Julian's paper on an improved dual-task design has been accepted in Philosophical Transactions B!
  • Jul 2017. After 2 years of hard work, Victoria's paper is accepted in Scientific Reports! Marvelous effort, and great work.
  • Jul 2017. On's paper on transparancy cues and afterimages is accepted in Scientific Reports!
  • May 2017. Jeroen's first sole author paper is accepted in Journal of Neuroscience: Different signal enhancement pathways of attention and consciousness underlie perception in humans.
  • Mar 2017. Noam's manuscript is accepted in eLife!: on a new SWIFT-SSVEP paradigm to help measure integration, inspired by predictive coding.

In the Media

The BiomotionToolbox can be found here