

Download the BioMotionToolbox from this page

The BioMotionToolbox is introduced in the following paper. Please cite this paper, when making use of the BioMotionToolbox.

A biological motion toolbox for reading, displaying, and manipulating motion capture data in research settings.
van Boxtel, J. J. A., & Lu, H. (2013).
Journal of Vision, 13(12): 7, 1-16,, doi:10.1167/13.12.7


Biological motion research is an increasingly active field, with a great potential to contribute to a wide range of applications, such as behavioral monitoring/motion detection in surveillance situations, intention inference in social interactions, and diagnostic tools in autism research. In recent years, a large amount of motion capture data has become freely available online, potentially providing rich stimulus sets for biological motion research. However, there currently does not exist an easy-to-use tool to extract, present and manipulate motion capture data in the MATLAB environment, which many researchers use to program their experiments. We have developed the Biomotion Toolbox, which allows researchers to import motion capture data in a variety of formats, to display actions using Psychtoolbox 3, and to manipulate action displays in specific ways (e.g., inversion, three-dimensional rotation, spatial- scrambling, phase-scrambling, and limited lifetime). The toolbox was designed to allow researchers with a minimal level of MATLAB programming skills to code experiments using biological motion stimuli. (From van Boxtel & Lu (2013), Journal of Vision)


We have developed a BioMotionToolbox to use in conjunction with motion capture data, and potentially Psychtoolbox 3. The toolbox is developed to allow easy import of motion capture data, and to manipulate the action (invert, rotate, scramble, limited lifetime). The toolbox also contains several examples in the demo folder. The action that are included as test examples were derived from the Carnegie Mellon mocap database.

Because of reviewer requests we have made some changes to the toolbox. Some of these changes were relatively large (e.g., including limited lifetime options). We have taken great care to ensure that all the functions work properly, however, if any function does not work as explained, or as expected, please inform me.